Random Thoughts And Late Reactions

Saturday, March 25, 2006

New Layout... Again

Okay, my previous post was about the new layout right? well as you can see right now my mpost is mainly about... well, new layout. Hopefully this new layout will keep me "inspired" to post and to refrain me from changing layouts after layouts. As you can see, my new layout is about four girls who just captured my heart because of their beauty. (oops, did I say four? well the fourth girl is missing. I can't seem to find a picture of her yet..). Yes love is everywhere folks, it finds you and you can't do anything about it... You may assume that I, right now, am in love right now. Well, actually, I'm always in love... to whom? no idea, never met her yet...

Anyway, this day, I'll be going to my friend Louis to go off swimming. exciting day ahead of me...


by the way, forgive me if theres any typo.. I'm typing on a broken monitor so I can barely see what I'm typing. Also this blog is under construction so if you notice anything peculiar, please bare with me... also the tag board seems to malfunction a bit. I'll try to fix it ASAP... (yeah right...)

And I hope I find my Journal soon... just can't do without it...
Oh by